So for the bit of backstory on this. I was feeling, for a few hours, pretty rebellious over deploying some changes I had some concerns with that included a link to our terms of use, and over other not entirely related things that are certainly neither here nor there. And when my colleague checked the changes in all the applications, and asked us to tag and deploy said apps — well, when the rebellion turns passive-aggressive, the rebellious turn to Hamlet. Apologies to Willie. Heck, apologies to the entire United Kingdom.
Deploy or not deploy: _that is the question:
Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of continued slight
Or to refuse to give to requests of little import
And by opposing end them?
To tag: to launch: Display;
and by a launch to say we end
The down-loads by the thousands uninformed that users are heir to, it is a consumption Devoutly to be wished.
To tag, to launch: To launch: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub; For in that launch of tag what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this asked request
Must give us pause: there’s the disrespect
That makes calamity of so long hours
For who would bear the whips and scorns of terms,
The oppressor’s restriction, the expert’s contumely,
The pangs of unanswered question, the moderator’s delays,
The insolence of responsiveness and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes
When they themselves might conform to terms
With a bare contribution? who would questions bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary app,
But that the dread of something said after launch,
That undiscovered interface from whose testing
No one has done, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear the apps we have
Than to let fly the checkins we know not of?
Thus complaints does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native prompt of terminal
Is typed over with the null casts of thought,
And enterprises of great waste and questionable humor
With this regard our time has turned awry,
And we’ve lost that desire of action,
Soft you now!
The fair Engineering! in thy meeting preambles
Be all my long ramblings remembered._
My passive aggressive rebellion was obsessive, but you have to allow that it was borderline creative 😉
p.s. And yes the end result was “To deploy”
p.p.s. To wit, my colleague responded in haiku
_clear notice of terms
painfully absent from view
type cap deploy please_