…Once you get past the vanity of knowing exactly how many copies have been made, and find the zen of knowing that the copying will take care of itself, you’ll attain dandelionesque contentment.
I love it when TV People — newscasters, analysts, politicians — say they were “on the ground” somewhere. It’s a good and welcome reminder that they normally live in the clouds, in heaven, up with the angels. Not on the ground with us, where things are mysterious and messy.
I have found the following to be true of large organisations:
- We stress the importance of human resources, human talent, human capital * We stress the importance of teamwork and collaboration * We stress the importance of openness and transparency * We stress the importance of trust
And then, mysteriously, we somehow manage to create an environment where we jealously guard information; where we seek to create and extend power as a result of this jealous guarding; where we then exploit this power in all kinds of ways, some less abhorrent than others
Tying all of these together is left as an exercise for the reader.