I’ve been helping an Extension specialist with some MediaWiki concepts the last few days, even very loquacious answer to how MediaWiki links are constructed (by going into the values that MediaWiki is designed on) — I broke references to WordStar: “ [MediaWiki] was meant to remove the barriers to “editing” any given page. While some of the syntax can be challenging — especially for those of us that have gone from things like wordstar to word perfect, to word, to html, to graphical editors, only to be challenged again with weird characters that are nothing like we’ve used before — the barrier to changing content on a page is removed.”
They responded
Talk about blast from the past — you must be older than I thought to be able to pull ‘Word Star’ out
Ha. I’m much too young to feel this damn old 🙂
(someone is going to read this and make some obscure reference to AtariWriter or something even earlier — that’s okay, if you do, just think how many will read this and go “what’s wordstar?” or “what’s wordperfect?” in 5 years they’ll be saying “what’s word?”)