Apologies to the whole cast of Rent
_Two Million Seventy-Six Thousand
Two Hundred Log Lines
Two Million Seventy-Six Thousand
Log Lines — This Bites
Two Million Seventy-Six Thousand
Two Hundred Log Lines
How do you measure — measure a Web Site?
In Jpegs — In Post/Gets
In Doctypes — In Script Kiddie Hits
In 404s — In 200s
In Checking perms and rights
In Two Million Seventy-Six Thousand
Two Hundred Log Lines
How do you measure
Several Months of Logs for our Sites
How about 19 hours of processing?
How about 19 hours of processing?
How about 19 hours of processing?
Too damn many log lines_
Finally using awstats to process the last several months of log files. 2,076,227 log lines for a few dozen low-traffic (thankfully) websites from around March to prior to yesterday. Even with my own private DNS server running on the same box as the update script, it’s about 30 lines a second. I think it should be done in 19 hours 🙂