So, just to get this post in under the wire.
The blogosphere (at least all the ones that I read) are all a-twitter about whatever relationship Apple and Intel are going to have (to be announced by Steve Jobs, maybe, at WWDC in about 30 minutes). There is viewpoint after viewpoint, backtracking, couching, reports on reports on reports. This is the tech geek equivalent to Michael Jackson, the runaway bride, and every other pop culture issue.
And it means about the same thing. Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. As Rhett said to Scarlett (I’m a southerner, I can get away with it):
Frankly, I don’t give a damn.
(and to be fair, hardware does not excite me, I’m a software dude through and through).
You know what the most exciting tech news to me today?
The fact that I can set a Dock preference to visually indicate whether I have an application “hidden” or not:
defaults write showhidden -bool true
(thanks to Smash via Kevin Briody )
This is great tip, and it’s help reinforce my changing behavior from a minimizer to a hider — which I’ve found to be more productive.