
Why can’t I remember simple things like how to tar+gzip a directory? Well, I finally figured it out after going after “tar examples” via Google.

tar czvf archive.tgz archivedir

Then I mistakenly consulted the engr-sysadm jabber chat room:

9:32:23 why can't I ever remember how to tar+gzip a directory?9:32:34 Billy: Old age.9:32:38 tar czvf archive.tgz archivedir9:32:45 it's simple9:32:52 jerobins: you've been GUI'fied9:32:54 and I try to make it incredibly complicated9:33:12 Billy: WOW. You make things more complicated????9:33:20 Billy: I never would have thought...9:33:29 Billy: I kill me.9:33:42 Billy: At least until someone else does.

GUI’fied is right — normally I right-click the directory and pick “Create Archive Of” — in this tar case I couldn’t because it was a directory inside my Mysql database directory on the Macintosh.

I think GUI’fied works quite well when pronounced like bonafied from O Brother Where Art Thou?